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Review of Employment Issues

We're On Your Side


Employment Termination Review: Terminated employees should have a resource to determine whether they have a valid claim for unpaid wages, benefits, or perhaps damages for wrongful termination. We charge a fixed fee of $500.00 for review of documents (ahead of time if possible), performing such legal; and factual; research as may be advisable, and meeting with the client to discuss his or her situation. The Consultation is not meant as a comprehensive review of a client’s entire legal landscape, but rather provides an opportunity to receive a researched considered legal opinion on a specific issue, based on the documents and facts given to us before and during our meeting. The Consultation consists of an initial telephone intake, the review of the important materials you provide, and a meeting at which we discuss the question or the document at issue.

There are many times when a legal opinion is required on some document, life transition, or other development. Some of these situations, such as being fired from employment, often have no effective remedy. But it may be worthwhile to make sure that your particular termination was legally proper, and to discuss consequences in the event of either determination. If the issue appears to be too complex to resolve in a simple Consultation, then we will discuss and decide how best to proceed.

After reviewing the relevant documents and while meeting with you, we are usually able to impart some good advice, if not wisdom, that proves of value now or down the road. We can also let you know whether you have some reasonable basis to pursue legal action, and what that would involve. Thus, the fixed fee Consultation permits you to know ahead of time what our review and initial advice will cost. You can then determine whether it is mutually worth our time to meet.

The Consultation relationship ends at the end of our initial meeting. There is no commitment or expectation for either of us to proceed with some further relationship after that meeting. We will take no further action of any kind after the meeting, unless we enter into a written agreement for those further services. We may suggest things, but we will not do them unless we are retained in writing for further action.